Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why Some Men Disrespect Women...

Respect is what every women craves, but to be disrespected is, for many, the epitome of rudeness.  Why some men disrespect women is not a toss up, but rather a given.  Disrespect is a symptom of something far deeper than an action.  It is an attitude that stems from believing that womanhood is not admirable. 

When men believe that women are inferior to them, or that women will allow disrespect, they will show their contempt for them by talking rudely to them, ignoring them, or treating them like an animal.  If women go along with this for even a whiff of time, they silently confirm that the man has a right to do these things without reprisal.  Thus, the man continues on and the woman never shines in her own beautiful light as a creature who is to be revered and honored. 
Men are taught at an early age the concept of respect or disrespect.  Parents live it before them.  If a male child constantly views women being castigated before them, then they derive the opinion that this is just how women are to be treated.  If fathers always put mothers down before their children, the children will bring to their tables this same attitude towards women.  I have seen  this right before my eyes.
Another reason men disrespect women is that the woman represents no challenge to their male ego.  The woman is  “free” or “loose” with herself.  She does not value her womanhood before the man and shows no restraint at any time.  She is like a bargain basement item in the man’s sight.  He can never appreciate her as a virtuous woman and doubts her honesty and integrity when being in her company or presence.  Unless the woman begins to put a price tag on herself, she will remain a bargain basement item.
Then there are men who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  At these times, they are not in their right minds.  They hardly know what they are doing.  To slam a woman around, address her in disrespectful tones is something they do at those moments.  If she does not remove herself from his presence at these moments, she cannot blame anyone for her treatment. 
There are men who are self involved in a power struggle.  When a man feels belittled, put down, and like an underdog, he will treat a woman rudely to feel big inside.  He’s the great one, and not she.  That brings to him a feeling of superiority and elevation if she allows it.  He will repeat these actions towards her again and again each time he needs to experience the much needed feeling of power. 
Women must then take control of themselves in order to be appreciated, respected, and loved.  They must recognize that they are not here to be trampled upon in any form.  They are the beautiful counterpart of men.  They are the precious dewdrops from heaven that God designed should complement men.  They are delicate and supportive, but not pieces of trash to be thrown to the dogs.  If women believe men are dogs, then they should change their viewpoint and see men as rocks of strength, towers of support, and in their proper roles, leaders of communities and homes. 
As men and women understand their God given role in relationship to each other and society, they will begin to change their behavior to reflect what they should be.  Some will need therapist to help their brains be reprogrammed to accept these character building concepts.  All will need God and His power to help them arise from the prison of disrespect to respect. 
When men wake up and realize that women can be their best friends, and helpers, they will begin to see them as a part of them.  They will begin to see that women can help make or break them as a man.  They will want a good woman by their side, and they will want to work to keep her there.

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